Graphing Sine And Cosine Functions Worksheet Pdf. Get free graphs of sine and cosine functions worksheet answers graphs of sine and cosine functions worksheet answers yeah reviewing a ebook graphs of sine and cosine functions worksheet answers could add your close connections listings. Worksheet by kuta software llc gse pre calculus graphing sine and cosine name date period v i2 0m1u5i keugtgaf skotfjtew airdel lelecr h r xa lnlb urziagwhstqsn vrxebsfekrcvneid 1 using radians find the amplitude and period of each function.
Name period group y. Write none for transformations that do not exist. 13 4 sine and cosine graphs worksheet date hour for each function state the amplitude if there is a reflection the phase shift and the vertical shift.
You can use these points to sketch the graphs of y a sin bx and y a cos bx the x intercepts maximum and minimum occur at these points.
Yx 3cos 2 1 5 notice the 5 tacked on the end of the function this indicates a vertical shift down 5 units. Start by graphing the parent function y sin o if there is no period change b. Use amplitude and period to. Amplitude and period for sine and cosine functions worksheet determine the amplitude and period of each function.