Ict Tools For Teaching And Learning In Classroom. General ict tools for teaching and learning desktop and laptops projector digital cameras printer photocopier tablets popplet pen drive ipods ipads webboards scanners microphones interactive white board dvds and cds flash discs video games. Digital classroom tools are constantly evolving.
Word processing a basic and important skill to have for students through their formal schooling. Ipad is one of the latest ict tools being used in the classroom today. By virtue of government interventions and training seminars organized in this regard ict tools stimulate teachers.
Here is my top list of ict tools for primary schools.
Socrative professes to be your classroom app for fun effective classroom engagement. This is because the challenges outweigh the benefits bingimlas 2009. Socrative professes to be your classroom app for fun effective classroom engagement. Use ict s in the classroom to work on information processing.